Karl Marx versus Adolf Hitler?
2015-03-17 05:21:34 UTC
on Thursday I am giving a speech in a debate(tenth grade honors World History) on who is more influential and I am Karl Marx and my opponent is Adolf Hitler. Could you give me some ideas? The speech is Thursday and I'm nervous! All I really can say is Communism still exists publically while Nazism is kind of hush hush per say
Nine answers:
2015-03-17 05:35:13 UTC
Karl Marx was not an evil person in history. He actually had very sound economic concepts on labor values and use values in society and his heart was in spreading utopia and happiness to a broader % of humanity. Communism as seen by USSR was not the work of Karl Marx, it was the work of Totalitarian tyrants. Hitler was a tyrant as well, Marx was NOT! National Socialism is opposite of Marxism at heart, but also National Socialism in principle can be achieved in a way without Nazi-ism as well. Imagine there is a nation for every community and each exalt their own kind of superiority and all these nations co-exist and compete. Nobody is inferior then, but each nation fights for its own superiority. This would be a different type of National Socialism that would look very different from Nazi-ism.
2015-03-18 10:05:19 UTC
Joseph Stalin was influential. Karl Marx was not. His ideas were. But the whole reason his ideas are not accepted is because Stalin modified them to include funneling all the power into the military.

The main idea is that, Karl Marx was trying to perfect Anarchy or government without all the power in the ruling class. So he tried to create what is now called Share-ism. It's not an official word, but if you take the military out of communism, that's what it is. Sharing with people evenly.

So, since no one can really create an effective system because they trust in liars paths. Like what people who lie say things should be like according to the way a system works. They basically make stuff up to justify capitalism. So since they take the fake background and, covered up versions of how corporations work. Excluding their tax dodging and stuff like that. They blame it all on the other system of Marxism.

The idea is basically it's the foundation of a community that can support it self without the government.

Originally before Stalin hijacked the idea. So there fore, it has nothing to do with sharing or a community and it's forever the base of all communism which is, stealing all the power for the military and giving it to them.

Due to the level or amount of stupid people who think they understand economics. Yet for some reason they think Capitalism is honest. They actually think Marxist theorys are ones that are totally altruistic and the perfect way to run a society.

That's why a large number of idiots in congress (this is their fake reason) are voting for things that rob low economic people and classes of funding that could potentially abolish poverty. That syphon off all the money and power to the military.

That is why george w bush is the biggest marxist/ commie the world has ever seen. He raised the militarys budget by hundreds of millions of dollars. If not hundreds of billions of dollars. That is the most communist thing ever done in the history of man kind next to Mao being in charge of China.

So you could say Marxist theorys are so influential that they tricked an idiot in Texas named george, to act them out and destroy the middle class in America.
2015-04-02 22:09:39 UTC
Both are revolutionize the German in two direction of the militarization ,economy, science of the technology and modern evolution of the human .

NAZI it's name of the female queen of the Anunnaki GOD of the Sumerian ,where the German believe they were generated from mother (ANSHTA) world call in old Sumerian language for woman ,which it pronounce NASHI or NAZI .It's translated HUMAN OR SON OF THE HUMAN.

The Hitler it's a Nationalist and extreme racist as called Germans superior nation of the world .

The Marx it's a social nationalist of modern government,whom it's economy theory was traveled world wide mostly in Europe from England till Russia .Some how Europe it's revolted by his idea and a large verity of the people were accept his theory of the socialism.

Generally Marx has more follower than the Hitler .
2015-03-17 05:25:58 UTC
Hitler influence: size of germany

Marx influence: size of Russia + parts of asia

Axis friends(axis powers) destroyed by the Ideas of marx
2015-03-17 06:38:25 UTC
Don't listen to the right wing morons on here. They're all convinced by 30 years of right wing lies on FOX that Karl Marx and COMMUNISM are the work of SATAN!!!!!!!! Ooo... they're scared!

This country is full of the dumbest people!
Louise C
2015-03-17 05:23:37 UTC
communism has lasted a lot longer than nazism did. Nazism lasted only a brief period. communism has been around for over a hundred yaers and some countries still have Communist governments. It is a more widespread and more enduring philosophy.
2015-03-24 02:17:07 UTC
communism has lasted lots longer than socialism did. socialism lasted solely a short amount. communism has been around for over 100 yaers and a few countries still have Communist governments. it's a additional widespread and additional enduring philosophy.
2017-03-22 03:47:31 UTC
2015-03-17 06:52:31 UTC
Per say.

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