Do you think the leftists are destroying Europe?
2015-12-21 16:28:48 UTC
As we all know millions of muslims crashed into Europe,hundreds of mosques were built,the traditional western value is under threat. I see a lot of examples,media in Europe are afraid of criticizing muslims due to stupid political correctness,kids are afraid of saying merry christmas and alcohol is even prohibited in certain area in europe,I DO NOT want to see my AMERICA being muslimized. those muslims immigrants are spoiled,why the liberal leftists keep defending them and claim they are "victims"
Seven answers:
2015-12-21 16:34:40 UTC
Dummie, Muslims didn't "crash" into Europe. Europe made them citizens. First France, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and Spain colonized these Muslim countries. Then, in the last 100 years these European countries freed and integrated their former colonies, thus making many foreign Muslims legitimate European citizens,

I'm over simplifying, but still probably too complicated for your little mind, Europe created it's own monster. It takes a few hundred years for pay back to sink in, but Europe raped and pillaged Muslim countries and now they are getting Europe back, it's a normal reaction to Global politics.
2015-12-21 16:33:06 UTC
They are letting these people into their countries not caring if they out breed them because Europeans have become too libtarded to continue to have a steady birthrate therefore they let in all these migrants who are not even close to European to fill the economic void.
2015-12-21 16:30:18 UTC
Europe is still statistically superior in many areas than the US.
2015-12-21 16:29:57 UTC
Um, darling, I know you think it's cute to dress up as a Nazi, but Halloween is over now. So go back to flogging your two-inch-long bratwurst.
2015-12-21 16:29:50 UTC
Muslims don't even make up 1% of the European population. Your irrational fear is hilarious. Read a book.
2015-12-21 16:29:40 UTC
Yes of course they are.
2015-12-21 16:30:19 UTC
no. that was the Stalinists and the Hitlerites

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